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aclp Future Scholars PRogram


What iS it?

The ACLP Future Scholars Program is a FREE program that focuses on serving Black high schoolers (9th-12th graders), of the African Diaspora.


Our program aims to help students grow academically and culturally. Using a carefully created and culturally responsive curriculum, our college prep program encourages students to attend college and helps them develop the skills needed to thrive in a rigorous college environment. 


What do we offer?

The skills acquired at ACLP help students excel in their high school coursework and act as a guide to help students maneuver towards their target college. Our leaders and volunteers mentor students, providing them with resources to make high school and applying to colleges easier. 

The Future Scholars Program challenges students to push past barriers and see their limitless potential. With guest speakers as well as career-oriented, and college-related trips, we encourage students to dream big and look for ways they can change the world. 

We are sharing that ACLP has unfortunately cancelled its Future Scholars Program (FSP) for the rest of the 2020 -2021 school year due to the pandemic.

We thank our hard-working ACLP team, partners, and supporters. We will continue ACLP's work in other capacities


STudent Advice Column

 Think ahead. 

Know your value. 

Chase your dreams.

Early mornings. Late nights. Just one more ACT reading section before you're done. Just a few more volunteer hours before you go home. As middle and high school students, you spend the vast majority of your time walking the square tiles that line your school hallways. Some students may see these tile rows as connections, mere stepping stones that link today’s classroom to their respective futures. 

When you sit down after four years of high school and start filling out countless college applications, it’s almost impossible not to judge your value on how many AP classes you took, sports you played, awards you won, or scores you made; after all, that’s what you feel college admissions offices are doing.


 However, our value isn't defined by what we have accomplished, and our worth is non-negotiable. We are all worthy and special in our own right, no matter what standards we are placed under. And this is exactly what colleges want to see: the realness, the person behind the application. Who is brave enough to chase their dreams? So, when you pull out that kitchen chair to stare at the Common Application for the very first time, remember the experience — the laugh-till-you-cry moments, the jaw-droppers, the joy of being in the moment — not the grades, scores, minuscule additions to your resume. 

By: Steele Parkerson

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